About the Missouri Paralegal Association
On January 15, 1987, by formal declaration, the Missouri Alliance of Paralegal Associations (MAPA) was created as a central forum and unified voice for Missouri paralegals. MAPA perceived the need for an organization with membership open to all Missouri paralegals. On November 12, 1998, the delegates unanimously agreed that, because representation by MAPA was contingent upon membership in a local paralegal association, MAPA was not able to meet the needs of all paralegals throughout the state. MAPA created a new organization and, upon doing so, was dissolved.
The Missouri Paralegal Association (MPA)
MPA was incorporated in 1998 as a Missouri non-profit corporation. Paralegals who live or work in Missouri are direct members of the Association. The Missouri Paralegal Association was a member association of the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA) from 2009 - December 2022. MPA has agreements with several other paralegal associations, and the spirit of collegiality and cooperation ensures all of our members obtain additional benefits (such as virtual networking and additional CLE's) at no additional cost.
The purpose of the Missouri Paralegal Association shall be to serve paralegals and to advance the paralegal profession by the following means:
Develop and advance the highest quality standards for education, ethical responsibility and professionalism;
Serve as a unified voice for Missouri paralegals;
Promote the independence and self-direction of the paralegal profession;
Monitor, support and participate in changes and developments in the paralegal profession on local, state, national and international levels;
Increase the knowledge of the public, the judiciary, and the legal community regarding the paralegal profession; and
Advance, foster and promote the paralegal profession.
The State of Missouri shall be divided into three districts to be identified as follows:
- Western District
- Central District
- Eastern District
Determination of district membership for voting members shall be based in most cases upon the business address of the voting member or the school address of the student member.
Board of Directors
It is the responsibility of the Board to establish policy and further the advancement of MPA’s mission statement, purposes and goals.
The 15 person MPA Board consists of:
- Directors from each District (12)
- Non-voting Board Advisor
- Non-voting attorney
- Non-voting member of the public at large
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall report to the Board of Directors and shall run the daily operations of MPA. Officers of the Executive Committee include:
- President (who will serve as a non-voting Chairperson)
- President Elect
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
The Standing Committees of MPA are:
- Budget and Finance
- Membership
- Education
- Ethics & Disciplinary
- Professional Standards
- Elections